Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Collaboration, collegiality, and learning communities, may be described as people working together towards a common goal.  Research states that collective intelligence is greater than the sum of each individual’s intelligence.  Thus, by pooling resources together, we can be much more effective in problem-solving challenges in order to make the biggest impact.

 What does collaboration look like in the educational world?
*station or center teaching
*targeted teaching
*parallel instruction
*teach and monitor
*team teaching
*team meetings which include various specialists at the school
*grade level meetings
*specialists conferring with specialists such as special education, reading, and speech

 Why collaborate?
*Collective intelligence is greater than the sum of each individual’s intelligence.
*Each individual contributes to the organization and each person has strengths and weaknesses.  Thus, work towards capitalizing on the strengths and turn weaknesses into strengths.
*We are all engaged for the same purpose:  to educate children in the most effective manner.

My personal observation
When you are part of collaboration and blessed to be part of a learning community, it is difficult to understand why others do not understand nor may be as open-minded to this concept.  Change is difficult.  It’s easy to perform the same routine because it is comforting.  However, in order to stay current, change is the only constant there is.

I will end by leaving you with a question, how do you encourage or support someone to be open to change?


Bean, R. (2009).  The Reading Specialist:  Leadership for the Classroom, School, and Community.

Green, R. (2013).  Practicing the Art of Leadership:  A Problem-Based Approach to Implementing the ISLLC Standards.






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